Thursday, March 09, 2006


Melissa Lines of Skylines Farm in Idaho was kind enough to hold the three half fleeces I reserved ages ago until I could pay for them. Which was last night. So there should be many pounds of more Romney goodness heading my way soon.


This is the same wonderful person who sent me Georgia from last year. Now that I've gotten my washing method down to a science, I can hand wash the fleeces more quickly. In the meantime, I may begin the Rambo-cross fleeces from a farm in Wyoming. Or possibly the Tunis. I took a break while my brother was visiting and staying with me, as he just doesn't understand the fiber thing, but I think I may put the Tunis in for a pre-soak tonight.

The process makes me ridiculously happy. It's insane, but I know other fiber fiends will understand.

Next goal - saving for a drum carder. Will it be a Strauch, a Pat Greene or another? If you have a favorite, please pipe up here.

::crickets chirp::